Study trip to the Porąbka Żar Power Plant Complex in Beskid Żywiecki Mountains will take place on: Wednesday, 21 May 2025 after a short session.
The Porąbka-Żar Pumped-Storage Power Plant in Międzybrodzie Bialskie is a high-head underground power plant, located in a beautiful place, close to the mountains and the lake, which makes it a unique tourist attraction.
It is the second-largest hydroelectric power plant in Poland. It is a pumped-storage power plant that uses Lake Międzybrodzkie as the lower reservoir, with its dam located in Międzybrodzie Bialskie, while the upper reservoir (entirely artificial) is built on the summit of Mount Żar.
The location of the power plant was determined by exceptionally favorable topographical conditions: a significant height difference over a short distance between the reservoirs and the possibility of utilizing the already managed Soła River.